Muaz Ahmed(Muaz)

Explore new/existing language or known frameworks to build amazing scalable products. I google when I'm stucked!

Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

My page based on Github contributions
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simple application that utilise laravel ecosystem with amchart chart visualizations
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Rest API for car service mobile apps. Built using Laravel 5.8 framework.
simple CRUD app built on laravel for beginners to understand Laravel ecosystem
simple Ionic app that scan barcode and show the data fetched from the code
OneSignal sample app created by me
TypeScript 0 0
a simple diary application using Ionic.
TypeScript 2 0
nestjs project that list US locations. Add unit test and e2e to cause testing is a much concern these days
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A class project on mobile application development with Cordova hybrid apps
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My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.


Web design